Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Berlin Calling

Berlin Calling

1. Drugs are an everyday part of life to Ickarus.  He finds it to help him create better music, finding that it gives him an artistic release. The usage of cocaine helps him to remain awake for a longer period of time, so he can stay up and alert throughout his performances.
2. The techno party crowd usually take some form of Ecstasy or hallucinogenic drug. However, the usage of synthetic drugs and cocaine are also prevalent.  Rampant usage of these drugs during the performance makes them feel more in tune to the music and they can feel the notes. The cocaine helps them to stay awake and keep dancing through the night.
3. This culture focuses on drugs because this gives them the ability to do things that they think they can't do without. After the initial usage it becomes a part of life and an everyday occurrence to them.  This is in part a chemical dependency.
4. I come from what was to be considered a standard american midwestern family, mother, father, and sibling. We support each other however live under strict rule.  If I were to have fallen into drugs, or any "deviant" behavior I would be disowned and cast from the family.  The support would not be there for me as it was from his father and girlfriend.  Through all of Ickarus' downfall his family was there to be there for him.
5. The youth as depicted will not cripple the industries of Germany.  Although they are seen as a drug influenced society, the need for work and monetary support still remains prevalent.  The dedication to work shown by Ickarus and his girlfriend show the necessity and the strong industry that wwill continue to thrive.
6. Easy Rider, and even to a smaller extent American History X was a similar cult movie styling to the Berlin calling film.

At this point of the film I can understand the drug usage and the connection of Techno/Rave parties and the inner city culture.  These are common practices I believe today even in American societies.  This shows the down fall of urban culture and the dependencies of synthetics and some form of a chemical to survive and live.  Unfortunately today's society has become far too dependent on chemicals and prescription drugs.

In American society you will still find all the things we have seen so far in the film.  However, most of which are hidden to most of the people, and these acts only effect a small portion of the american culture.  In looking at this it makes sense, due to the fact that we as American's are decedents of a culmination of all cultures and societies.

As the film had progressed  and finished it became apparent that the hard work ethic put in by Ickarus to get his album together and finalized to a "rockin, and kick ass jams" album.  The full circle of character development by Ickarus and the doctor was excellently laid out, and satisfaction given to the people watching however "real" the film may have come across.  The second half of the film told a great story and showed how deep the love for his work ran in him.  Music was Ickarus' calming aspect that truly brought him closer to the people around him and helped him fit in as lonely as he was portrayed throughout a majority of the film.

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